How to get "advanced" in programming?

I have been developing on Roblox for about 2 years now and made 2 functioning games (and I am happy), however my practices and skills have not improved, I look at my friends code and other code to learn and see they are very complex and efficient when mine is simple and “sorta works”.

Several people have recommended to make more projects and “learn as you go” strategies but that didn’t work for me in the past years.

I know I am missing something in programming, because I am comfortable with the way I work even though I know my code is not as good I can make it to be.

My questions:

  • What types of math should I know in programming?
  • How do you get more advanced in programming without having to make large projects?
  • Tips and suggestions

** thanks.


My suggestion would be to take a look at those ROBLOX Advanced Scripting Tutorial playlists and just look over stuff you haven’t used or seen before. Then you can watch that video and get an understanding of what it’s used for, this should cover most of what ROBLOX has to offer…


Thanks, where can I find the Roblox advanced scripting tutorials playlist?

You can find vids like that on YouTube.

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I would say really the best way to get better at anything is just practice. Try attempt so more harder projects or try to learn more on something your not very good at to improve your knowledge.

In general just get experience out there doing more advance things like for example making a car or something that takes a little more effort to do.

Just read documentations, tutorials,
To know what maths to learn then they are listed below.

  • Magnitude
  • Algebra
  • Basic addition, substraction, multiplication and dividation.
  • Circles, Triangles, Angles etc.

Theres nothing to get advanced on!
just play with the code, ill give you a link for every classes, data types, enums etc.

Heres the game maths youtube video:


Thanks so much, please feel free to pm me too