How can I get all roblox services? Is there any stored in a raw website thing, like github or something.
This is for a project I am working on
How can I get all roblox services? Is there any stored in a raw website thing, like github or something.
This is for a project I am working on
Just do
for k, v in pairs(game:GetChildren) do local success, err = pcall(function () print(v.Name) end) end
You can achieve this (roughly, not all of them) by going into studio, open a baseplate.
(Optional) Follow these steps:
Next, if you want to, you can write them all into a table, otherwise, you can make a script to do it for you.
Here’s the script I used:
local Services = {}
for i, v in game:GetChildren() do
local classname = v.ClassName
local name = v.Name
if name == "Instance" then table.insert(Services, classname) return end
table.insert(Services, name)
Some Services will not show up (because they’ve got permission levels above the command bar (4)) For those services, you can ignore them, or you can add them by looking through the Explorer.
You can also just get a rough table of them if you do this:
Then copy the table from output (the new table printing is convenient, eh?) and add quotes/remove number indexes if you wish.
That’s all; and here’s the output of the 1st script.
[1] = "Workspace",
[2] = "Run Service",
[3] = "GuiService",
[4] = "Stats",
[5] = "SoundService",
[6] = "VideoCaptureService",
[7] = "LogService",
[8] = "ContentProvider",
[9] = "KeyframeSequenceProvider",
[10] = "AnimationClipProvider",
[11] = "Chat",
[12] = "TimerService",
[13] = "MarketplaceService",
[14] = "Players",
[15] = "PointsService",
[16] = "AdService",
[17] = "NotificationService",
[18] = "ReplicatedFirst",
[19] = "HttpRbxApiService",
[20] = "TweenService",
[21] = "MaterialService",
[22] = "TextChatService",
[23] = "TextService",
[24] = "PluginGuiService",
[25] = "PermissionsService",
[26] = "PluginDebugService",
[27] = "StarterPlayer",
[28] = "StarterPack",
[29] = "StarterGui",
[30] = "CoreGui",
[31] = "LocalizationService",
[32] = "PolicyService",
[33] = "Teleport Service",
[34] = "JointsService",
[35] = "CollectionService",
[36] = "PhysicsService",
[37] = "BadgeService",
[38] = "Geometry",
[39] = "FriendService",
[40] = "InsertService",
[41] = "GamePassService",
[42] = "Debris",
[43] = "CookiesService",
[44] = "UserInputService",
[45] = "KeyboardService",
[46] = "MouseService",
[47] = "VRService",
[48] = "ContextActionService",
[49] = "ScriptService",
[50] = "AssetService",
[51] = "TouchInputService",
[52] = "BrowserService",
[53] = "AnalyticsService",
[54] = "FilteredSelection",
[55] = "Selection",
[56] = "ServerScriptService",
[57] = "ServerStorage",
[58] = "ReplicatedStorage",
[59] = "ChangeHistoryService",
[60] = "LuaWebService",
[61] = "ProcessInstancePhysicsService",
[62] = "PackageService",
[63] = "PathfindingService",
[64] = "Script Context",
[65] = "RemoteDebuggerServer",
[66] = "DebuggerManager",
[67] = "ScriptEditorService",
[68] = "LanguageService",
[69] = "Visit",
[70] = "NetworkClient",
[71] = "GuidRegistryService",
[72] = "Lighting",
[73] = "Teams",
[74] = "TestService",
[75] = "SocialService",
[76] = "ProximityPromptService",
[77] = "VoiceChatService",
[78] = "HttpService",
[79] = "VersionControlService",
[80] = "SpawnerService",
[81] = "FilteredSelection",
[82] = "MeshContentProvider",
[83] = "SolidModelContentProvider",
[84] = "HSRDataContentProvider",
[85] = "StudioService",
[86] = "HapticService",
[87] = "GamepadService",
[88] = "TextBoxService",
[89] = "ControllerService",
[90] = "MemStorageService",
[91] = "GroupService",
[92] = "VirtualInputManager",
[93] = "PublishService",
[94] = "DraftsService",
[95] = "TeamCreateService",
[96] = "DraggerService"
printing :GetChildren() is only reliable for getting some services that can’t be printed, since some services (notably UserInputService as an example) are just named “Instance” and won’t be represented properly in the output. (Seems you overlooked “Instance” services @Ratzifutzi)