You can solve this by using trigonometry. I’ll try my best but I am no expert.
Let’s start of by labelling the points you gave me as A, B and C, with B being the vertex of the angle you’re trying to find
Image Diagram
We then need to determine the coordinates of the three points A, B, and C. Since you haven’t given the coordinates in the post, we can just call them A, B and C.
Next, we need to form the vectors AB and BC by subtracting the coordinates:
We then need to use the dot product formula to caluclate the Dot Product:
We can then compute the magnitudes of AB and BC by using these equations:
We can get the cosine of the angle by using a cos function.
As per usual trigonometery, to find an angle we need to use the inverse function (arccos / acos):
This leaves us with the your angle.
I do not know why, but my function always returns 360 degrees.
local function GetAngle(A: Vector3, B:Vector3, C: Vector3): number
local AB = (B - C)
local BC = (C - B)
local dotProduct = AB:Dot(BC)
local magnitudeAB = AB.Magnitude
local magnitudeBC = BC.Magnitude
local cosine = dotProduct / (magnitudeAB * magnitudeBC)
return math.acos(cosine)
local AB = B - C?
I think this should do it or am i missing something?
local A = workspace.A.Position
local B = workspace.B.Position
local C = workspace.C.Position
local ab = (B - A).Unit
local ac = (C - A).Unit
local angle = math.acos(ab:Dot(ac))
Yeah, I think you used the exact same method they were talking about above, I’ve already stated why their code didn’t work for their implementation though.
Take your result and divide by 1/2π
to convert from radians to degrees
please atleast quickly read over the thread before bumping this post continuously; the original poster specifically states it is ALWAYS returning 2 pi/360 degrees; conversion is not the issue here, and the reply 2 messages above yours already mentions conversion too
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