How to get auto typage in table

local EnumObject = {}
EnumObject.__index = EnumObject

function string, children: {string}): self
	local self = setmetatable({}, EnumObject)
	self.enumType = enumType
	self.children = {}
	self.enumItems = {}
	for _, v: string in children do
		local tableAdded = {
			Name = v,
			Value = (#self.enumItems + 1),
			EnumType = self.enumType
		table.insert(self.enumItems, tableAdded)
		self.children[v] = tableAdded
	return self

print("Main", {"time", "monparnasse"}).children)

export type self = typeof( --children work but children of children doesn't work help me please !

return EnumObject


Im not sure but what about:

type table: {Name: string, Value: number, EnumType: Enum}


edit: sorry you meant auto-typage:

type table: {Name: any, Value: any, EnumType: any}

if this is the type of “auto” typage you mean? like that it accepts anything?

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