for i,v in ipairs(workspace:FindFirstChild("Baseplate"):GetChildren()) do
It will go through all the children and print out the tostring() of their name.
The variable v is then the child object it got.
To print all the children of the parts below as well
function getChildren(parent)
local children = parent:GetChildren()
for i,v in pairs(children) do
On the other hand, and easy way to get all the children if you don’t need to do things to each one individually before moving to the next, is using GetDescendants()
for i,v in ipairs(workspace:FindFirstChild("Baseplate"):GetDescendants()) do
GetChildren() only gets the children of the said part. GetDescendants() however will get every part within the part (parts parts and so forth).
Bit confusing I know lol.
To get the baseplates children simply do a loop like the above posts suggested but with
You shouldn’t be using foreach/foreachi, those are deprecated methods of iterating over tables. Should maintain consistency and modern practices in your code by using a for loop with the appropriate generator applied. Specifically, because you’re working with arrays, ipairs, not pairs.
I was just using it as a quick way here to demonstrate how to print it, because I was too lazy to type it out. Then I typed it out… I also had the code for the for loop after it. (Gonna remove the .foreach and just have the for loop below it.)