How to get detailed information of offline friends


This returns a table with very detailed information.
Information such as whether the player is in the studio, what game they are in, and when they last logged in.
but this only shows information about players who are online.

so i searched for… but


this returns only IsOnline and usernames.

i want to get detailed information about offline friends or unknown players.

this must be possible.

this game doing that.

Use HttpService and use this api endpoint: (the numbers are the player’s ID)

You should also use the friends API.

For some reason, this is viewed as being an API on Roblox’s site so you can’t actually use it from within a game?

Wanted to make some pseudocode but I stumbled upon that issue, and the same thing occurred with your API as well.

You have to use a proxy. You can use:
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Is there no way not to use API?

Like GetFriendsOnline()

The GetFriendsOnline() method was not designed with the intention of returning as much detail as you’d like about each individual player on a player’s friends list. The name itself implies that it only returns information about the online status of each individual friend from a given player’s friends list.

I would recommend using the Proxy @Katrist provided in the comment above yours ^^