How to get details for placeId?

I cannot find a way to get details of placeId to return place/game name etc

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Just came up with this but I don’t know any other way other than this.

const getPlaceDetails=placeId=>

You can use the games api for this, I provided 2 ways to utilize it according to your request:

  1. The main route roblox uses to retreive game data is through their universeId (even with subplaces), use this endpoint to get a universeId (if you don’t already have one):{PLACEID}/universe
    The universeId returned can be used on the endpoint below which returns a list of information about a game{UNIVERSEID}

  2. If you are specifically looking for info about a place (a subplace for example), you can use the multiget-place-details endpoint:{PLACEID}
    Beware that this endpoint requires proper authentication (security cookie). I suggest avoiding this endpoint.

I know the first one but it can’t really be used to straight up get the info for that exact place and instead 2 apis to just get root place. and second one is auth required that is where i cannot do it

I have struggled aswell to get specific info about a place without using multiget-place details as roblox themselves display information about the rootPlace on subplaces rather than the actual details but afaik the only workaround for this is to list all subplaces of a universe using the develop api which returns small information about places, the endpoint for this is:{UNIVERSE}/placesisUniverseCreation=false&limit=100&sortOrder=Asc

Every other information about a game is contained under the universe endpoint.

I know all these apis i use them in my extension just that roblox changed the multiget-place-details api to require auth these days and prob the best option to just get the name, root id, uni id without multiple apis is the one i wrote atp

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After some digging I have found this endpoint:{PlaceId}/details which is essentially an undocumented endpoint that :GetProductInfo() uses. You have stated that you need universeId and rootId but this endpoint doesn’t return them.

I will just provide it incase you need to use information returned from this endpoint as it seems to be the only solution until roblox adds or revamps an endpoint to retrieve information about a place.

honestly all I need is the game name thas all lol

this works{placeId}

returns with all these variable
AssetId, Name, Description, Created, Updated, FavoritedCount, Url, ReportAbuseAbsoluteUrl, IsFavoritedByUser, IsFavoritesUnavailable, UserCanManagePlace, VisitedCount, MaxPlayers, Builder, BuilderId, BuilderAbsoluteUrl, IsPlayable, ReasonProhibited, ReasonProhibitedMessage, IsCopyingAllowed, PlayButtonType, AssetGenre, AssetGenreViewModel, OnlineCount, UniverseId, UniverseRootPlaceId, TotalUpVotes, TotalDownVotes, UserVote, OverridesDefaultAvatar, UsePortraitMode, Price, VoiceEnabled, CameraEnabled