How to get my game popular?

Check out this post I made on another post. It provides a lot of information on how to make your games popular.

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Thank you will definitely consider making a discord server

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true it’s still in BETA, i’m going to make different floors soon although the mall should be atleast fine enough at the moment that people can buy clothings and I still don’t understand why it’s not getting a lot of visits, I’m not trying to get it to front page but atleast a popularity with a concurrent 25 players all day long would be great.

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what kind of servers are those?
could you name them?

it’s still in BETA, I’m going to make different stores soon.

Being straight to the point and addressing many of your concerns:

Why Were The Ads Unsuccessful?:

A general rule of thumb when making any game is to pour some Robux into advertising so your group/game can get noticed, however this only works if you can outbid (AKA pay more than) other people who are competing to have their ads shown. The more you pay, the more your ad is shown.

How Effective Is Your Game Idea at Player Retention?:

Clothing malls, groups and selling clothes are not super effective in luring in and keeping players. Think of real life, how long do you usually spend in a store before you’re no longer interested or have already found something you like? Once you buy it, you’re done, and of course you might come back to buy more later, but nobody buys new clothes everyday, resulting in inconsistent player retention/popularity.

Next Steps:

If you want consistent player retention and your game to become popular, I would recommend rethinking and building a new game from the ground up. While a clothing mall is a great idea, it’s not the most effective/fun. And since you’re just getting started with your Roblox development, there’s always room for improvement. If you want an easy idea, try making a simulator, they’re relatively simple to make, and have a huge player base. Just remember to make it fun and worthwhile!


I’ve definitely consider that althougn I am afraid it will cost a lot to pay the scripter, guis etc.
That’s why I started with this game so I may get some kind of revenue.

But thank you for your feedback tho.

No worries. Now obviously I know that you don’t have all the funds to hire other people, but making a simple game like a simulator would allow you to learn all the basics of developing on Roblox, plus it opens you up to higher revenue (since that’s one of your concerns). If you can learn, make more revenue, and get countless other benefits, why not take the opportunity? You’re off to a good start, you just have to keep going.

Thank you soo much for this all I’m definitely going to make a simulator game or I was thinking a game such as restaurant tycoon as that won’t cost a lot

You don’t really see front page games purely for clothing. Again, mini-games, server events, egg hunts, secret items and easter eggs and more would make it more popular!

Am i tripping or i saw that ad year ago lol