January 5, 2023, 1:37am
Is there some way to get every new created accounts? like this game here: Game Link
January 5, 2023, 1:53am
This is a tricky one, however here is a Developer forum that could possibly help you and your task at hand!
I have found multiple games which tell specifically how many users are currently on ROBLOX, and the newest users.
A good example of a game which achieves this, is New User Machine
I have been trying to achieve this for quite a while, but I have not made any progress at all.
I can’t find any APIs to get the newest UserID or anything related to that at all.
I have thought of other ways like adding one digit onto a specific id every millisecond but I wouldn’t know how to get the newest id to st…
January 5, 2023, 2:01am
Yes, this is currently only possible using an external server or service, as said in the topic @SuguruDev mentioned.
I can only imagine how performance-degrading an internal method, if possible, would be, considering how many users sign up for Roblox every second.