Amount of current users/newest user

I have found multiple games which tell specifically how many users are currently on ROBLOX, and the newest users.

A good example of a game which achieves this, is New User Machine
I have been trying to achieve this for quite a while, but I have not made any progress at all.

I can’t find any APIs to get the newest UserID or anything related to that at all.
I have thought of other ways like adding one digit onto a specific id every millisecond but I wouldn’t know how to get the newest id to start counting from in the first place, and wouldn’t that get you rate limited?

If someone could explain to me how this works or give me an example, it would be greatly appreciated.


They use a web-server that they purchase themselves, and use HTTPService to get the information from their site which retrieves the information from Roblox’s website.

A visual would be:
Roblox Game Requests User Count - > WebServer Asks Roblox how many users there are - > Roblox’s website gives the information → Web Server now has information and can now be sent - > Back to the game

I hope this helps!

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But where on the roblox site do they retrieve the info?

There’s no API interface for this, so you should use the binary search algorithm and keep attempting to get the user based on the ID, and then once you find the most recent player, store that identifier and keep checking its increment until that exists as a newer player.

Starting high number for binary search can be something ridiculously high, like even one quadrillion, since the worst case performance of binary search is the logarithm of the maximum number.

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