How to get oldvalue from :GetPropertyChangedSignal

When using :GetPropertyChangedSignal how do I get the oldValue?

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Everytime it’s called, make a variable to set it to the old value so if it changes again, you have the old value! Something like:

local testing = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Coins -- anything
local lastValue = 0

lastValue = testing.Value
-- whatever code
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no but like lets say i save data from a leaderboard to a datastore and t he player has 50 from their last login then how do i detect that

Use :GetAsync with the datastore to get it, :SetAsync to save it to its last value.

werent u able to get the oldvalue from .Changed?

is there a way to get for the :GetPropertyChangedSignal to also give me a oldvalue?

Short answer there is not. You have to use a work around. There are many though, so it’s not a big issue

Can you show me a few work arounds