How to get place/game's status(private/public)?

Looks hard to script into LUA.

It seems like I need to. Must see.
Thank you.

[ Trust check failed]
Roblox block it…

That is why I mentioned the proxy. You’ll have to write a web server that acts as a proxy in between the Roblox game and the endpoint. Modifying this script will probably work. If you pass the placeId through the query or post data then use it in the request you’re sending from the proxy then you can get past the block. If you don’t understand javascript or nodejs enough dm me and I’ll do my best to help.

I’d recommend using for the web server. It’s really easy to get started with.

Yes i know something in node.js. Ok, i’ ll try it tomorrow.

Try using this on and fill in the cookie with a bot account’s cookie. Then send a post request to and it should return what it gets.

const express = require('express');
const axios = require("axios")
const app = express();
const cookie = "";'/proxy', function(req, res) {
    let placeId = req.query.placeId;
    if (placeId) {
        const httpInstance = axios.create({
            headers: { 'Cookie': cookie }
        httpInstance.get('' + placeId).then(function(response) {
            if (response.status == 200) {
            } else {
        }).catch((err) => {
    } else {

const listener = app.listen(process.env.PORT, function() {
    console.log("Your app is listening on port " + listener.address().port);

sorry, but it still doesn’t work…

In the future look at the endpoint documentation before replying here. Is your cookie valid? 401 is code for unauthorized.

Right… But i tried to find this issue all day (and continue), not only looking at the documentation. I think that i can be understood.
But anyway i know about meaning of 401 and incorrect “cookie syntax”.

Ok, i won’t disturb you anymore :slight_smile:

Use this script:

function e(gamee)
    local link = ""..gamee
    local request = h:JSONDecode(h:GetAsync(link)) 
    return {
        ["IsPlayable"] = request.IsPlayable

You’re aware that this post was made 10 months ago right?

Yeah lol, thought I would send it here to anyone who would need it in the future.

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This returns false on every game.


it is because has been discontinued. i use but you could use any proxy you like.

No the problem is that if you use your own proxies or other open source proxies like roproxy, somehow the isPlayable variable is always false. But on this api endpoint using Roblox instead:, and even thought you use your own proxy, it still returns isPlayable variable as false all the time. Is there a way to fix this?

i’ll try to make a guess, but is this because your requests aren’t authorized or smth (no auth tokens)?
like… unautorized people can’t join places at all, this seems logic

I found a fix, first I just get the id of the creator of the game, then check all the public games they made, then check if that game’s id is in the list of public games made by the creator’s id. If that game is not on the list that means it’s private, if it is on list that means game is public.

Api endpoints to do check all public games of a creator’s id:

The code that checks if game is public is in this solution: How to check if a game is public - #36 by okfalse

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There isnt an easy way to fix that when using that method, because most server proxies have data discrepancies and not always up to date/sometimes inaccurate. Including the one I made, yes there are ways to fix this by adjusting caching rules and etc. but its hard to do if you’re new to this.

Please follow what my last comment said as it uses another method that works to get if game is Public of private: How to get place/game's status(private/public)? - #23 by CAAplayer

this seems like a smart solution

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