How to get Player's accessories from inventory

I would like to get Player’s accessories from inventory


Wdym? I didn’t understand. Can you give me a code or some more details?


For example I’m trying to make game similar to Catalog Avatar Creator, It got inventory system that gives access to player to use their own bought accessories

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But like you want that system but only appears the player’s accessories?

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Yes, that’s what I’m trying to do and can’t figure it out

Try doing this code, it gets all the accessories:

local player = *plr*

if player.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
for _, accessory in ipairs(player.Character.Humanoid:GetAccessories())do
-- what happens to each accessory

I’ve tried it but, it didn’t work

wait i think i figured it out. It’s not part of humanoid. but yes its humanoiddescription

Not at all, it didn’t even print anything, also I meant to get player’s accessories from inventory not accessories that, they are currently wearing

I don’t know how. But I tried to search and I can only find things where they find ONLY the characters’ accessories that they’re using

Have you tried using AvatarEditorService ? As I know you can use that service to get a player’s inventory. That’s what Catalog Avatar Creator does.

You can use the method AvatarEditorService:PromptAllowInventoryReadAccess() in a LocalScript.

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