I want to know how to have pure black and white (as in literally only those two colors, or something close to that) in a map
quick mockup to show what i want
You can use a ColorCorrection into the lighting, the main setting is to put “Saturation” to -1
Then you can play around with contrast and brightness of the ColorCorrection as well as with other lighting settings, such as exposure, clock time, ambient and brightness until you get the wanted result.
This seem to be very close to the result you’re looking for.
ColorCorrection: Brightness (0) - contrast (100) - Saturation (-1)
Lighting: Ambient(255, 255, 255) - Brightness (2) - No shadows - OutdoorAmbient (0,0,0)
Part: Color (Smoky Grey) - Material (Pavement)
No idea if you meant an exact replication of what was in the screenshot, so here are these.
ShadowMap Variant:
BoxFile.rbxl (50.1 KB)
Future Variant:
BoxFile.rbxl (50.1 KB)
Strictly Black + White:
B+W.rbxl (50.7 KB)
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