How to get rid of cursor for VR?

I want to remove this dot(mouse) and cannot seem to find a way to do so.
It seems to be relative to the head or the hand.


I figured it out, The Cursor Appears when you look at an invisible Menu screen floating around in the world

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Could you change the title back to what it was and post the solution as well? People will be able to find this forum thread and use the solution that you discovered that way. (Basically, a forum is meant to be a continuous knowledge resource, not like a fleeting Q&A / live chat.)

EDIT: :+1:

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This is not a solution. You didn’t say How did you disable it?

I have no ‘invisible menu screens’ floating around yet keep getting this mouse icon. I even tried setting mouse.icon to invisible texture but it doesnt work.

I was messing around with VR recently and found the solution. That cursor is an image label in CoreGui (Which we can’t access) but it’s on a 3D panel under the Camera, which can be removed. Keep in mind that it keeps getting added whenever you point your controller at where the panel should be, so we need to keep removing it if in case it gets added again.

I came up with this script (I put math.huge so that WaitForChild() doesn’t print out warnings about possible infinite yield):

local VRFolder = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:WaitForChild("VRCorePanelParts");
while true do
		VRFolder:WaitForChild("UserGui", math.huge).Parent = nil;

I noticed that these VR panels and even the folders themselves under the camera don’t spawn if you don’t spawn the player character (by disabling CharacterAutoLoads in game.Players).

Also, another thing to keep in mind is that the UserGui panel is used to display chat so if you want the chat to be visible on the panel again, you’ll need to modify the code a bit.

I hope this helps :slight_smile: