How to get rid of this error?

Hi Developers! :wave:

I’ve been noticing this error on the image below for maybe like half a year, and it annoyed me really hard. The problem is that it doesn’t come from a script, but rather an animation instance. Is there a way to look for a specific AssetId in Explorer?

I appreciate any help provided! :hidere:


I’m not 100% sure but try searching the Explorer window using the Search bar at the top of it.
Try using the term ClassName:Animation to see if it picks up all the Animations in your place.
Otherwise is there a script mentioned in the Output error that tries to load the animation in?


It means that the server returned and error that the parameters passed though are invalid and therefore could not process and return necessary data. In other words, do you have permission for this animation or have you typed the AssetID correctly? Sadly, the server will not return a string of text to give context of what happened


It took me a while, but I’ve found it! in the filter panel I typed classname:Animation , then I just looked through all of my animation instances!

@WorldyBear_22 I didn’t have permission to use this animation, I don’t even know why I had this.

Thank you all for help! :hidere:

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I wonder if it got loaded from a free model you may have tried at one time?

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Hmm, maybe it was, because I don’t have ANY memory of me adding this to my game. Or it was inserted into the game from my previous scripts, which is going to be the most likely scenario

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