How to get Roblox's Inventory Hotbar?

I am trying to make a custom Hotbar and make the order of tools save when you die and stuff. Anyone have any idea on what to start with? Where is the Roblox’s Inventory Hotbar Located?

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i believe its in Players.exampleplayer.Backpack

Thats not the hotbar UI tho, that’s just the backpack.

The backpack hotbar GUI is located in Roblox’s CoreGui. Due to this, it’s not accessible via scripts.

However, you can copy the GUI by going to Studio Settings > Studio > Show Hidden Objects in Explorer and while in test mode look for CoreGui in your explorer and copy the object called RobloxGui. Once you’ve copied the object you can stop test mode and then paste the object into StarterGui and the hotbar will be under Backpack in the GUI. Using this, you can script your own backpack menu and/or hotbar while still using the default GUIs.

To disable the default Backpack hotbar, you can use the following code in a LocalScript:

game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false)
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Hello I would like to ask if you know the Link that mentions all the Type coregui di roblox

You can find all the CoreGuiTypes here.

How about the core gui for roblox icon and Respawn disable

game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ResetButtonCallback", false)
disable respawn

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