I have multiple sounds playing at once (background music + sea ambience) when a player is near water. However, when they enter the water I want to create an underwater muffle (Underwater Muffle (Inspired by Polyhex)) but I want to keep it efficient, and I don’t wanna put an Equalizer and PitchShift inside every single sound. So I tried this
but effects need to be parented to the sound. So even when they are enabled, nothing happens.
How can I effectively do this, without having to have a dozen of these effects pasted into every single sound in the game? I want the effects to automatically apply to all sounds
To answer your question, if you put the effects and the sounds in the same sound group, you should be able to enable/disable them and have them effect everything.
What @SorxtaKanda said. If that is still not what you want, you could apply this small code so that every sound has the those effects without having to manually do it yourself.
local soundFolder = game.SoundService.Effects.Underwater
local sounds = workspace.Sounds --- Or wherever your sounds are located.
for c, child in pairs(sounds:GetDescendants() do
if child.className == "Sound" then
local equalizer = soundFolder.Equalizer:Clone()
local shift = soundFolder.PitchShift:Clone()
equalizer.Parent = child
shift.Parent = child
I need to sound to be in its own sound group tho, as I have settings to enable/disable sounds, music, etc. and I just wanna change the volume of the sound group
This solution might not give you the 1 to many relationship that you wanted, how ever sound effects per sound group would still solve a lot of the over using of instances.
also it’d be relatively simple to make a script to toggle specific sound effects, if they were named similar.
for instance
local function toggleWaterEffects(bool)
for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("SoundService"):GetDescendants()) do
if v.Name:lower():find("watereffect") then
v.Enabled = bool
You can set the volume via sound groups tho, so unless you need them alone then I’m sure you could find a way to implement SoundGroup.Volume = .2 or whatever you may need.
Well the reason why I had 2 sound groups was because volume needs to be changeable for music, sfx, ambience, etc. are all seperate. So if the player wanted to mute music, but keep the ambience, or sfx, they would stay. So I cant have all the sounds under 1 sound grup
That’s not what I’m referring to, if you have them set to different sound groups you can set all the sound group volumes individually, and just toggle the sound effects per sound group.
local SoundService = game:GetService('SoundService')
local Music = SoundService:WaitForChild('Music')
local Sounds = SoundService:WaitForChild('Sounds')
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Offset = 0.01
-- Check if player is in water
while wait() do
local Position = Camera.CFrame.Position
local Min = Vector3.new(Position.X + Offset, Position.Y + Offset, Position.Z + Offset)
local Max = Vector3.new(Position.X - Offset, Position.Y - Offset, Position.Z - Offset)
local Region = Region3.new(Max, Min)
Region = Region:ExpandToGrid(4)
if Region then
local Material = workspace.Terrain:ReadVoxels(Region, 4)
if Material[1][1][1] == Enum.Material.Water then
for i, v in pairs(SoundService:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA('EqualizerSoundEffect') or v:IsA('PitchShiftSoundEffect') then
v.Enalbed = true
for i, v in pairs(SoundService:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA('EqualizerSoundEffect') or v:IsA('PitchShiftSoundEffect') then
v.Enalbed = false
Enabled* however that looks like it should work, yes. However you can shorten it if you really wanted to.
for i, v in pairs(SoundService:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA('EqualizerSoundEffect') or v:IsA('PitchShiftSoundEffect') then
v.Enabled = Material[1][1][1] == Enum.Material.Water
this would just get rid of the need for the if else statement