I have a script that lets me get every single favorited game on a player’s favorites, however, I need to be able to get a specific page on their favorites list and nothing seems to work.
I have tried messing around with the “Pagenumber” thing but it changes nothing, it just starts at their most recent favorited game and gets every game after that up to the number specified in “ItemsPerPage”. How could I get a specific page of favorited games? Or at the very least just make it not start getting their favorites at the most recently favorited game?
The code for my script that gets the player’s favorites:
local Game = game
local HttpService = Game:GetService("HttpService")
local gameids = {}
local BaseUrl = "https://www.roproxy.com/users/favorites/list-json?assetTypeId=9&itemsPerPage=20&cursor=&pageNumber=1&userId=7597220565"
local data = HttpService:JSONDecode(HttpService:GetAsync(BaseUrl))
for _, Favorite in ipairs(data.Data.Items) do