How to get terrain into blender?

Hello there, I have a simple question. I can’t seem to find anywhere on how to import terrain(or how to make terrain) in blender 2.83. Any help I will gladly accept.

If you are looking to import terrain from roblox to blender, right click terrain under the explorer and export it
if you are looking to make terrain in blender, then that’s a different thing entirely. If you need help with that message me :slight_smile:


Hey, thanks a lot. That’s very kind of you. I’ll try it!

I’m having trouble texturing the terrain. I’m using PBR textures and I’m using a grass one so, whenever I use the nodes it turns into a green mess.

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There are a lot of ways for creating terrains on blender, what kind of terrain do you want to create?

I think you can try to make a low poly terrain first. After that, add in a nice ground texture for it. Lastly, subdivide it a couple hundred times and sculpt to make it more realistic. I’m not sure that it’s the proper way of doing it, but it still works.

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You’d have to UV unwrap it and position the unwrapped mesh in the UV editor.

Is it possible? I mean, is there any convenient way of doing it or is every way of doing it just difficult or tedious?

what do you mean?
are you asking whether importing it or creating it is tedious?

I’ve been using the A.N.T Landscape tool and I followed PicklePies tutorial on PBR textures. For some reason the A.N.T Landscape doesn’t like textures so, I don’t know.

I’m semi-new to blender and that seems a little complicated. Can you show me how to do it or leave a link to a Youtube video showing me how? Thanks.

I’ll take that into mind but all the words in blender and confusing me since I’m kind of new.

There’s more tutorials on “UV Unwrapping” than just these 2. You could try searching for more if you are having problem understanding the videos below.

Thanks! I’ll be sure to check them out. Does this help with texturing the landscape?

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No tutorials on UV unwrapping shows you how to “texture a landspace”. All you gotta do is learn the UV mapping method and you’d understand how things work and you’d eventually be able to do it for everything.

Ok. Thanks for letting me know about this. Thanks for the info!

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Quick question. Does this also work for the A.N.T Landscape addon?

Uhm check out the video and you’d understand what UV mapping is and how it works.

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