So this is a dictionary in which I want the dictionary assigned name not the actual object name,
local TeamToDepart = {
["「CI」 Medical Department"] = game.Teams["C.I Medical Department"],
["「CI」Special Experimental Operations Group | Sierra"] = game.Teams["C.I REDACTED"],
["「CI」 Scientific Department"] = game.Teams["C.I Science Department"],
["「CI」 Security Department"] = game.Teams["C.I Security Department"],
["「CI」 Asset Welfare Department"] = game.Teams["C.I Asset Welfare"],
["「CI」 Cryptic Military Corp"] = game.Teams["C.I Military Corp"],
["「CI」 Dinosaur Actors"] = game.Teams["C.I Dinosaur Actors"],
["「CI」 Engineering & Technical"] = game.Teams["C.I Engineering & Technical Department"],
["「CI」 Administrative Department"] = game.Teams["C.I Administrative Department"]
So I made a for loop for this thought this would work,
local function AssignTeamFromDepartment(group, player)
for i, v in pairs(TeamToDepart) do
if v.Name == group.Name then
player.Team = v
Unfortunately the name is the objects actual name which I don’t want. I want to Dictionary assigned name.