Hey I’m a scripter who is in somewhat desperate need of this information, I’m trying to make a dynamic content system for my game that can, supports features such as:
Item shops
Typical live service game stuff, I need this so I don’t have to update the game in studio when ever I need a release a new cosmetic into the shop, My main issue is that I need to know if anyone knows how to Get the contents of a .Json file from a private GitHub repo, using Http service, It would be much appreciated thanks.
I’m not sure on exactly how the endpoint works, but I know you need the base url of raw.githubusercontent.com. To get the full URL you need, you can go to your repository, click on the JSON file to view it’s code, and click the “Raw” button towards the right of the bar above the code. You can then copy that URL and send a GET request with HTTP Service to retrieve it. There’s a token in the URL, I’m not sure if that expires or not.
In the end, your URL should look something like this:
--this is the only way it would let me write the URL!
local baseUrl = "raw.githubusercontent.com"
local url = baseUrl.."/user/repository/something/somethingelse/somethingelse/filename.json?token=sometokenhere"