I am trying to split a 3 digit number to be 2 numbers.
I want 110 to become 1,10. I know you can do :split but(to my knowledge) that only works if its like 1:10.
Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
I am trying to split a 3 digit number to be 2 numbers.
I want 110 to become 1,10. I know you can do :split but(to my knowledge) that only works if its like 1:10.
Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
Are you trying to make a table with the two separations? Like {“1”,“10”}?
Yes, im trying to get the table like:
100 = table[1], 10 = table[2]
Do you want to always split it after the first number?
Yes. I want it to split after the first number.
Oh, in that case, this is what I would recommend:
local function numberToTable(num)
local str = tostring(num)
if string.len(str)==3 then -- makes sure it is a 3 digit number
local hundreds = tonumber(string.sub(str,1,1).."00")
local tens = tonumber(string.sub(str,2,3))
return {hundreds,tens}
print(numberToTable(110)[1]) -- prints 100
print(numberToTable(110)[2]) -- prints 10
local n = 123
local hundreds = 100 * math.floor(n/100)
local tens = n % 100
print(hundreds, tens)
--> 100 23
local number = 123
local hundreds = math.floor(number % 1000 / 100) * 100
local tens = math.floor(number % 100 / 10) * 10
local ones = math.floor(number % 10)
print(number, "=", hundreds, "+", tens, "+", ones)
To construct an array for a number with any number of digits:
local number = 1234567
local digits = {}
for i = math.floor(math.log10(number)), 0, -1 do
local n2 = 10 ^ i
local n1 = n2 * 10
table.insert(digits, math.floor(number % n1 / n2) * n2)
table.foreach(digits, print)
print(number, "=", table.concat(digits, " + "))
Works perfectly with any number, thanks.