Is there a way to get the order of the gui order
Yes using UIList/UIGridLayout you can set in properties of each GuiObject its LayoutOrder.
but is there a way to get the order though like get a table of the order.
You are creating leaderboard right?
Please refere it more I dont completely understand you atm.
Ye, the thing is, that the screenshot wasn’t in a game, I just made the GUI for a example, but I need to label the places, and since the frames are listed with sort order already, I just want to go thought the order of the GUI and then get the places.
like this
local Number = 0
for i, v in pairs(Order) do
Number = Number+1 = Number
don’t mind the code is just a example and I hope you get the idea.
Okay so you can just do
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local TextHandler = player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame
local Number = 0
for i,v in pairs(TextHandler:GetChildren()) do
Number += 1
v.LayoutOrder = Number
done it, soz that took a while
Alright so you got it? If yes then good job!
wait, I just need it to fit in with the rest of the code and test but I believe this works, thx
Let me know If dont in PM.
i am glad that I help you ;).
sorry but after some testing, it actually doesn’t work because the first time I tried, Player1 got more KO which made sense but it didn’t work when Player2 got more KO because the order that I loop though is in alphabetical order and is not in the KO order which is what I wish it loop though. The code you told me to try doesn’t change anything that much but thanks for the help so far.
You can combine this example with an UiListLayout
for i,v in pairs(Order) do
local YourFrame = (your frame):Clone()
YourFrame.TextLabel.Text = "bla bla bla"
Sorry for late response you can just use Changed event to connect it with.
I’m not trying to sort the UI objects in order, I’m trying to get the order.
oh ye, I forgot to tell you but the leaderboard is after game so the KO values wouldn’t change.
Oh got it can you please send me repro file so I can look into it?
its ok, it works now, I just did
local KOs = {}
for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
local sortedTable = table.sort(KOs,
return a > b
for index, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
for i, v in pairs(KOs) do
if player.KO.Value == v then
CloneFrame.Place.Text = i
` end
thanks for helping me
Glad that you fixed it good job!