How to get the old Roblox jump icon?

Hey everyone, I just want to customise my game a bit more and for that I want to jump to change the icon. Is there any possible way to get the old jump icon template? I can’t find any reliable source.

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You can change the jump How to change the image of the jump button?.
Whatever you want, make yourself a template jump button, make a local script. I hope this helps.

Oh, I meant if there is any way to get the old jump icon template/image back from a few years ago.

In short answer: yes.
Video tutorial: how to make your roblox game have the old mobile jump button for 2012 to 2018 style game - YouTube
Model: Folder - Roblox

Look I found an old jump icon button template image: rbxasset://textures/ui/TouchControlsSheet.png

My game place works for the old jump icon button template:


Are you looking for an old jump button for this?

Thank you very much for the assistance!

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