How to change the image of the jump button?

I want to customise my game.
For that i thought of changing the image of the jump button on mobile.
The default image is this.

How do I change the image and add my own jump button image??

Step by step answer is appreciated!


Make a localscript and put this inside the StarterGui

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")

if UserInputService.TouchEnabled then -- Checks if player is using tablet or phone
TouchGui = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TouchGui") -- Get the TouchGui
TouchControlFrame = TouchGui:WaitForChild("TouchControlFrame") -- Get theTouchControlFrame
JumpButton = TouchControlFrame:WaitForChild("JumpButton") -- Get the JumpButton

JumpButton.Image = "rbxassetid://9273155204" -- Change the image of the jump button


This is the actual image used for the jump button.

When you edit the jump button image, it should look like this. The left side is the idle and the right side activates when you jump. It automatically changes.