How to get the pivot tool in roblox studio?

How do I find the pivot tool because in this here: Pivot Points - Studio Beta it says that i can find the pivot tool in my model menu in roblox studio but its not in mine please help me it would be really appreciated :slight_smile: !

File > Beta Features > Enable Pivot Editor. It will then ask you to restart in order to apply this change.

alright thx bro appreciated it ill lyk if it works

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yo it worked but when I make a script to make it rotates it still rotates as if I didnt change the pivot point

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Are you using PivotTo? To maintain backwards compatibility CFrame / Position still do the same thing. You have to use part/model:PivotTo(cframe) to move something via the pivot.


someone already helped me my bad i frogot to close the conversation

Actually what I did is I made a tween and I made the tween change the position and the orientation and it worked but wdym PivotTo how can I use that?