Basically what the title says. I want to use a table and get the children from that table. What should I do?
GetChildren gives you a table to use. So in any way that you would use GetChildren, do the same thing but without GetChildren.
for index, value in pairs(yourTable) do
Alright, thank you very much! 3 O Chars
Also, since I don’t want to make 2 dev posts in the span of 10 minutes, do you know how I could get a random player from the plr list? I am super tired so I srsly can’t remember a thing.
local Players = game:GetService("Player")
local playerList = Players:GetPlayers()
local randomPlayer = playerList[math.random(#playerList)]
Nvm it was that players was “player” not “players”. Thank you!
Alr so I am using this to sit the random plr but it doesn’t seat them, what’s wrong?
local SeatsContainer = {game.Workspace.Vehicles.CarModel1.FL, game.Workspace.Vehicles.CarModel2.FL}
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local playerList = Players:GetPlayers()
local randomPlayer = playerList[math.random(#playerList)]
for i,Seat in SeatsContainer do
if Seat.Occupant then continue end
will only work on the client for the local player.
for i,Seat in SeatsContainer do
Has generic iteration been shipped to Roblox? You may still need to use ipairs
ohhh, ok. Thanks! `````3 O chars```
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local playerList = Players:GetPlayers()
local randomPlayer = playerList[math.random(#playerList)]
Is this code ran instantly? An experience initially loads with zero players.