How to give a debounce correctly to DescendantAdded in order to fix "Maximum event re-entrancy depth (80) exceeded for Instance.DescendantAdded"


I need to fix this error that pops up once the event is fired too much, but i got no clue how to fix it.
In my game, once the game loads in, some assets get cloned or copied into the workspace.
Having a limit to the workspace.DescendantAdded is making me unable to do this practice i mentioned above. If there’s better practice that i can replace and is more practical than the one i said above, please tell me so i change it!
If not, i need an idea of how to fix the event reaching the limit.

This is how i managed the game set up when loaded

local function setUpWorkspaceParts (part)
	--[[just an example of what i'm doing
       if part.Name == "name" then
         ReplicatedStorage.Item:Clone().Parent = part.Parent

for i,workspaceObject in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do

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This makes an infinite non-stop loop:

local function setUpWorkspaceParts(part)
      if part.Name == "name" then
         ReplicatedStorage.Item:Clone().Parent = part.Parent -- this will run the function again because of the descendantadded event


Not sure what you’re trying to do here but if you really want to, you can add the part to a blacklist so it doesn’t run the function over and over again:

local Blacklist = {}

local function setUpWorkspaceParts(part)
      if part.Name == "name" and not table.find(Blacklist, part) then
         local Clone = ReplicatedStorage.Item:Clone()
         table.insert(Blacklist, Clone)
         Clone.Parent = part.Parent 
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It was a loop after all , got to fix it! thanks a lot!

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