How to give a kill to the killer on attacks that are cloned from ReplicatedStorage?

I need a script that can give a kill to the person who killed them on an attack that is from ReplicatedStorage.

The attack can tell who owns the attack by using a value, (which is used for not harming the owner of said attack) however I don’t know how to make the script find the attack let alone the owner off of the attack’s value.

			if Character.Humanoid:FindFirstChild("creator") then
				local Attack = Character.Humanoid.creator.Value 
				local Player = Attack.Owner.Value
				print(Player) --these two don't print anything.
				local Leaderstats = Player.leaderstats
					Player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Kills").Value = Player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Kills").Value + 1

The tool that’s being used summons an attack that’s cloned from ReplicatedStorage. I looked around for alternatives on the forum and couldn’t find much. I snagged a bit of this code off of the forum to work differently than my previous code which was used in a Zombie FPS of mine.

When your attack hits the player, do you use a remoteEvent to damage the Humanoid? I’m assuming so because the Server is registering the Died event.

Just in the Event invocation function - assign the Humanoid’s Creator Value!

      Hum.Creator.Value = Plr

I use touched events to damage the humanoid, and I’m not sure if the server is registering the died event.