I want to create different tools that each one gives a different number of points, coins… but I dont know how to do it.
Option 1:
Create int values inside of the tools for example one tool might have a multiplier of 2 and another one might have a multiplier of 1000
Then when you are giving coins to player do this inside the script:
-- Code to give coins
-- Example:
player.Coins.Value = player.Coins.Value + pointsAmount * tool.Multiplier.Value
If multiplier is 10 and pointsAmount is 8 they will get +80 coins
Do this for all your currencies
Option 2:
If you want each tool to give a specific amount of coins add a int value inside the tools called PointsToGive
Then do this:
-- Example
player.Coins.Value = player.Coins.Value + tool.PointsToGive.Value
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Option 3:
You can also use a Module Script.
local toolModule = {
["Test Tool"] = {
Coins = 30;
Multiplier = 1.5
["Test Tool2"] = {
Coins = 50;
Multiplier = 1.5
return toolModule
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I think adding values to tools would be better since it would be more easy to customize and change and would require less work
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