How to give exclusive item to specific player just once when they join the game

Question is in the title, Please help me. Thank you!

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If possible server-sided, I have a code that saves player backpack.

Specific you mean ONE singular person? (That of course is someone you want?)

In this case you can get their profile link or user ID put it in a script and then check if a a player that joined has this link or ID if you’d like and then give them the item you want.
(Side note: I am not in any way good at scripting but I have knowledge on what CAN be done. So if there are mistakes in what I said feel free to correct me or even verify my answer with someone else or other source!)

Here is an example script (Don’t know if it works). It can help give you an idea on what it would look like.

First store the players username and what items to give them, then have a function that runs when they join, they recieve that item.

local plrs = game:GetService("Players")
local storage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Folder

local players = {
    [00000000] = {


    if players[plr.UserID] then
        for i,v in pairs(players[plr.UserID]:GetChildren())
        local newitem = storage:FindFirstChild(v).Clone()
        newitem.Parent = plr.Backpack

(This script may not work)

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