How to give multiple owners the hammer/ game creator icon?

Me and 2 friends made a game and we both (Co-Owners) want the creator badge next to our name in the leaderstats.


If anyone got permissions to edit the game he will get it automatically.


As far as I am aware this isn’t possible to do with the default roblox leaderboard. My best suggestion for achieving this would be to make a custom leaderboard for your game.


You can’t give yourself and your friend the creator badge next to your name because it’s something that ROBLOX provides by itself to show the game owner, it’s not something that you can script because it’s linked to the game creator’s account.


You can’t do this with the regular roblox leaderboard. I would say the closest you could get to this is to make a floating GUI above the selected persons head or just make an custom leaderboard like topdog said.

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The only way to do this is to fork the Leaderboard/make your own which removes a bunch of functionality, users would have to use the other menu to perform most actions if you were to do this.

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If you are looking to do something like this I would suggest you to create a custom playerlist for your game as the you cannot modify the default playerlist in any way.

If you are looking to do so, here’s the code to disable the default Roblox playerlist:

game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.PlayerList, false) -- This should be put inside of a localscript.

This gives you way more flexibility and you can do much more than just add custom badges, for example you can make it so their name has a different color, font, size etc.


After this what should I do? (Sorry I am not a good scripter)

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You can make your own Player Leaderboard and disable the original in your game and give both of you special tags to get recognized in-game. But you can’t do that with Roblox’s default leaderboard.

Search up how to make a custom leaderboard on YouTube. You can find some great tutorials like this one right here.