How would I give a player a random tool every 10 minutes and them keep it after death but not after rejoining, taking it from a set of tools from ServerStorage and if they do have the tool for it choose another tool to give them?
using get in pairs and math random tp determine tool
this doesnt filter out tools the plr alr has; I will write some code that does what he says. give me like 5 - 10 mins
This is a good example to learn the order of your code. Also you might want to look at math.radom(x,y). Also why not put the tools in replciated storage?
for the most part this is the code you should need. Im p sure if a player joins while the script is in the middle of waiting, the player wont get a tool until the script is ready to give everyone a new tool. i wasn’t sure if you wanted it to do that or not, so i just didn’t add it. If you did want it though, its easy to implement.
i added as much comments as possible to give u an in-depth understanding on how this works.
this code is what you need for the most part though.
local PlayerService = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local PlrStats = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("PlrStats") --or change the pathway to your liking. It must be a folder or something tho.
local FolderOfTools = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("FolderOfTools") -- change path to ur liking
local Minutes_To_Wait = 10 --change this to ur liking
local StringVal ="StringValue",PlrStats)
StringVal.Name = plr.UserId
StringVal.Value = HttpService:JSONEncode({}) --basically we are converting an array into a string val to store. We will store names of tools in here.
local List = HttpService:JSONDecode(StringVal.Value)
if List == {} then return end
for index,Tool_Name in pairs(List) do
if plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild(Tool_Name) then return end
local Tool_Clone = FolderOfTools:FindFirstChild(Tool_Name):Clone()
Tool_Clone.Parent = plr.Backpack
until #PlayerService:GetPlayers() >= 1 -- wait for atleast 1 plr to be loaded into the server.
local function GetListOfAvalibleTools(Blacklist)
local List = {}
for i,v in pairs(FolderOfTools:GetChildren()) do
if not table.find(Blacklist,v.Name) then
return List
while true do
for index,Player in pairs(PlayerService:GetPlayers()) do
local Id = Player.UserId
local StatInstance:StringValue = PlrStats:WaitForChild(Player.UserId,1) --wait for the string value instance we put earlier. Max wait is 1 sec.
if not StatInstance then return end --if for some reason the plr doesnt have string val, then we just go to the next plr
local Blacklist = HttpService:JSONDecode(StatInstance.Value) -- we unpack the list of tools the plr already has. Stuff they CANT get anymore.
local Possible_Choices = GetListOfAvalibleTools(Blacklist) -- we get a list of stuff the plr can potentially get.
if #Possible_Choices == 0 then return end --if the plr alr has all the possible tools, we just go to the next plr.
local Selected_Tool_Name = Possible_Choices[math.random(1,#Possible_Choices)] --choose a random tool name
table.insert(Blacklist,Selected_Tool_Name) -- add its name to the blacklist/tools the plr already has
local Tool_Clone = FolderOfTools:FindFirstChild(Selected_Tool_Name):Clone() --find the tool
Tool_Clone.Parent = Player.Backpack --put the tool in the plrs backpack.
StatInstance.Value = HttpService:JSONEncode(Blacklist) -- update the players blacklist
task.wait(60 * Minutes_To_Wait)
lmk if I didnt make any sense
The script seems to work but one thing is that it gives me a free tool for some random reason, its a tool that is in the tools folder. Let’s say I join with two tools in the folder a Green Ballon, Cake tool and for some reason on join I get the cake tool.
Here i made a code that, i think, solves your Question.
So this scripts creates a table with all the tools (u need to add them), then uses a math.random to select one, after that adds to the player inventory.
also the timer is added, so every 10 mins it changes
local toolTable = {} -- create table to store the tools
-- add tools to the table
table.insert(toolTable, game.ServerStorage.Tool1)
table.insert(toolTable, game.ServerStorage.Tool2)
-- add more tools (if needed)
-- function to select a random tool (1 in table) then give it
local function getRandomTool()
local index = math.random(1, #toolTable)
return toolTable[index]
local function giveRandomTool(player)
local tool = getRandomTool()
if player and player.Character then
tool:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack
local function moveToolFromBackpack(player)
if player and player.Character and player.Backpack then
for _, tool in ipairs(player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
tool.Parent = player.Character
-- give initial tool when the player joins
-- set up repeating timer to give tools every 10 minutes
local timer
timer = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function()
if player.Parent == nil then
-- player left the game, stop the timer
-- give a new tool every 10 minutes
Hope this help you, any questions just ask