How to give unanchored parts the same planetary gravity as the player

I am using a modified version of egomoose’s gravity controller, which i found on the dev forums:

However, the gravity controller only affects players. I need to know how (if possible) to apply the same effect to unanchored parts.
How can I approach this?


Hi, i’m the person you mentioned that remixed Egomoose’s gravity code. I’ve encountered this problem myself and also have the solution for it.

What I did was to disable Workspace gravity, setting it to 0. Programmed a script so that every time a player joins, the program will create a LineForce located in the model. This also requires another attachment at the center of planet you want the object to be gravitated to. Create a folder named ‘Bodies’ in Workspace and put whatever objects you want the player to be gravitated to.

Now we also need to create LineForces on the said objects as well.

Script for LineForce

The essential script:
Store it in a part as a server script.

for index, object in pairs(game.Workspace.Bodies:GetChildren()) do
	local LineForce = script.LineForce:Clone()
	LineForce.InverseSquareLaw = false
	LineForce.Visible = false
	LineForce.Attachment0 = script.Parent.RootAttachment
	LineForce.Name = object.Name
	LineForce.Attachment1 = object.Attachment
	LineForce.Parent = script.Parent
	LineForce.MaxForce = math.huge

My original script:
This script accounts for decreasing the gravitational force when the player goes farther away or into the core of the planet, and the ability to latch on to multiple planets depending on which one is closest to the object / player.

local Mass = 0

for Index, Object in pairs(script.Parent.Parent:GetDescendants()) do
	if Object.ClassName == "MeshPart" or Object.ClassName == "Part" or Object.ClassName == "UnionOperation" or Object.ClassName == "VehicleSeat" then
		if Object.Massless == false then
			Mass += Object.Mass

for index, object in pairs(game.Workspace.Bodies:GetChildren()) do
	local LineForce = script.LineForce:Clone()
	LineForce.InverseSquareLaw = false
	LineForce.Visible = falsez
	LineForce.Attachment0 = script.Parent.RootAttachment
	LineForce.Name = object.Name
	LineForce.Attachment1 = object.Attachment
	LineForce.Parent = script.Parent
	LineForce.MaxForce = math.huge

while wait(0.1) do
	local closestPart, closestPartMagnitude
	local tmpMagnitude
	local CamPos = script.Parent.Position
	for i, v in pairs(game.Workspace.Bodies:GetChildren()) do
		if closestPart then -- we have a part
			tmpMagnitude = (CamPos - v.Position).magnitude

			-- check the next part
			if tmpMagnitude < closestPartMagnitude then
				closestPart = v
				closestPartMagnitude = tmpMagnitude 
			-- our first part
			closestPart = v
			closestPartMagnitude = (CamPos - v.Position).magnitude
	script.Parent.Parent.PlanetFocus.Value = closestPart
	if closestPartMagnitude <= closestPart.GravityRadius.Value then
		for index, object in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do
			if object.ClassName == "LineForce" then
				if object.Name == closestPart.Name then
					object.Enabled = true
					if closestPartMagnitude <= closestPart.PlanetSize.Value then
						object.Magnitude = (Mass * closestPart.PlanetMass.Value * (game.Workspace.Settings.GConstant.Value * 2 - 1) * 10^5)/(2*closestPartMagnitude - (3*closestPart.PlanetSize.Value))^2
						object.Magnitude = (Mass * closestPart.PlanetMass.Value *  game.Workspace.Settings.GConstant.Value * 10^5)/closestPartMagnitude^2
					object.Enabled = false

Now paste the script chosen as the child of the object, like a part. However, the part will need to be inside a Model class as well.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask me more questions, I’ve also managed to integrate the gravity module for players to sit in seats as well.


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