I have been searching of ways to make the gun aim and I am still confused what is the best method?
My goal how I want it to look like
Roblox: FPS Aiming Test - YouTube
What is confusing me
I’m confused because I don’t know if the animation is the aim or the animation is just for the looks?
When the player aim should I switch camera to a strategically placed part?
My idea was that I will switch the camera to the invisible part and have control over there but now Im facing that I can’t move the gun as I use to when I was in the character’s camera
--Code of the system I was trying
local tool = script.Parent
--Tool Equiped
local localPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = localPlayer:GetMouse()
local debounce = true
--Right Click Pressed
if debounce then
debounce = false
print("Aiming Gun")
local currentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local startPos = script.Parent.FirstPersonViewPart
currentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Follow
currentCamera.CameraSubject = startPos
currentCamera.Focus = startPos.CFrame
--Not in aim anymore
debounce = true
I am not sure what method I should go with. If you have suggestions please let me know
My goal is for when the player press right click the gun go in aim mode like so and the player would have full control to move the gun up/down/left/right