How to grow an active community before releasing your game?

im currently working on a project for like almost a year, it doesnt really have a genre, its like a street game thats inspired by various games (gta, postal, atn…)
I’ve got a discord server and all but i dont know how to keep one running active as im trying to build hype (47 members) and get some people in our group however the release date of the game is unknown for now
Help appreciated !


Keep them up to date on development - screenshots, dev logs, etc


I recommend creating Partnerships with other communities, creating accounts on X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Etc to get the word of your community out there. As said above you should keep posting active dev logs and addition to that add sneak peaks to keep the hype in the community.

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Make sure your game is actually fun. If it’s not fun, you cannot grow your community, and no trick in the book can save it.

Reach out to people and ask them to play your game. If they like it, they’ll ask their friends to play.

Post your game at its best (cool visuals, exciting gameplay, etc.) on social sites like @JaydenDevX and @jackjenningsdev suggested.

I have a community that does game nights. We would love to find new games to play. I’m sure there are plenty of other game night communities out there looking for fun games.

Also, look into the Better Discovery community for reviews and feedback. Contact some folks there and see what feedback they give. This actually extends to any game development community, to be honest.