Alright so i am trying to use PostAsync from HttpService to send a post request to my php file on my website but the data i put into the second parameter of PostAsync doesn’t seem to be transfered to the $_POST var.
Here’s my code:
Roblox script preforming the Post Request:
function script.Parent.OnServerInvoke(plr, Text)
local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local data = {
["text"] = Text
local response = nil
local ok, status = pcall(function()
response = http:PostAsync("", http:JSONEncode(data), Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationJson)
if ok and response ~= nil then
return response
return "error: "..status
-- The RemoteFunction is invoked in a localscript
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for i = 1, 10 do
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Hello instead of doing $_POST use $_GET ( not 100% sure this would work but worth the try also you should check what method Roblox uses in HttpPost $_SERVER[“REQUEST_METHOD”] )
oh also I wouldn’t recommend letting the client post as many times as it wants ( since you’re putting it in a ServerInvoke it means the client can just do Rem:InvokeServer(“hi”) and it’ll do an http request )
Exploiters could use that to their advantage and just destroy your servers easily!
Hello! I’ve been having the same issue as well lately. However, I didn’t manage
to fix it. Just switched to get instead of post. Can you post the result if you use print_r($_POST)?