How to hide elements of a plugin?

hello, I’m trying to make a plugin that stores the devs settings.


  • It cannot use datastore service
  • It cant be in a tab normally accessible to devs

I have seen tabs where you have to enable an advanced view to see them

How do I store the settings into those hidden tabs?

Can you elaborate on this (examples?)

You can use plugin:SetSetting and plugin:GetSetting to store dev settings without interfering with anything in the game

This is indubitably intriguing. I will try to find more data on this conundrum.

How may I use this revolutionary feature?

-- Example

-- When the plugin runs this checks if the plugin has already previously set
-- this setting to `true`.
if plugin:GetSetting("hasRanBefore") then
   -- Plugin has ran before
   print("Welcome back developer!")
   -- User is using the plugin for the first time
   plugin:SetSetting("hasRanBefore", true)

This is another example (read the source code in the comments)

Hello I just realized that this will not be applicable to my solution. I appologize for not delving into more depth.

To specify: My plugin is meant for team collaboration. The team is able to access each other’s settings. Using plugin:GetSetting would not be accessible if another player needed that information. In the case I may have to store it as an attribute inside a hidde explorer tab.

This is what explorer looks like with hidden explorer objects enabled

Ah, I understand now. Unfortunately, I don’t believe I have a solution to your issue, apologies

I think I will store the data in a public space that tries to get out of the way such as like material service

If it needs to store data under a team-managed game, you must set an attribute.