Yes, because of the new chat system
It donât work because of the new chat system, (Is the first thing at my code)
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local LPlayer = players.LocalPlayer
local UserInputS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local Gui = script.Parent
local MainF = Gui:WaitForChild("MainFrame")
local Typer = MainF:WaitForChild("Typer")
local SendB = Typer:WaitForChild("Send")
local MessageS = MainF:WaitForChild("MessagesScrolling")
local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local MessagesNum = 0
local TextChatS = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local Channel:TextChannel = TextChatS:WaitForChild("TextChannels"):WaitForChild("RBXGeneral")
local TextS = game:GetService("TextService")
local ToCloneF = script:WaitForChild("TextFrame")
local ToCloneMessage = script:WaitForChild("Message1")
local SizeOfSrolling = 0
local MessagesT = {}
for i = 1, 50, 1 do
table.insert(MessagesT, 0)
repeat wait() until LPlayer.Character
StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat, false)
In the new chat system, chat cannot be completely disabled using traditional methods. However, you can still customize the chat behavior and hide the default chat visuals.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local PlayerGui = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
-- Oculta o chat padrĂŁo do Roblox
local function HideDefaultChat()
PlayerGui:SetTopbarTransparency(1) -- Torna a barra superior transparente
PlayerGui:SetChatWindowActive(false) -- Desativa a janela de chat
This code will make the top bar transparent and disable the default Roblox chat window. However, itâs still important to point out that the new TextChatService chat system can accommodate additional reservations for chat customization and handling.
Ok, thanks! I will use it rn. (Addind the code)
still works with the new chat system. I tested it out now.
Are you sure it didnât error? The SetCoreGuiEnabled
can error. Thatâs why it is wrapped in a pcall to handle the error.
Yes, im pretty sure. Anyways, let me add it at the end of the code
Please try the method again. No matter how much I run the code I created, the chat is disabled.
We can also take a look at your code that disables the chat.
Look: What I see:
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local LPlayer = players.LocalPlayer
local UserInputS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local Gui = script.Parent
local MainF = Gui:WaitForChild("MainFrame")
local Typer = MainF:WaitForChild("Typer")
local SendB = Typer:WaitForChild("Send")
local MessageS = MainF:WaitForChild("MessagesScrolling")
local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local MessagesNum = 0
local TextChatS = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local Channel:TextChannel = TextChatS:WaitForChild("TextChannels"):WaitForChild("RBXGeneral")
local TextS = game:GetService("TextService")
local ToCloneF = script:WaitForChild("TextFrame")
local ToCloneMessage = script:WaitForChild("Message1")
local SizeOfSrolling = 0
local MessagesT = {}
for i = 1, 50, 1 do
table.insert(MessagesT, 0)
function GetColorByNumber(Number)
local StringS = string.split(tostring(Number), "")
local R = StringS[#StringS-2]
local G = StringS[#StringS-1]
local B = StringS[#StringS]
local ToReturn = Color3.fromRGB(tonumber(R)*28.33, tonumber(G)*28.33, tonumber(B)*28.33)
return ToReturn
UserInputS.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, impedido)
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.C and not impedido then
if Enter then
local TotalContainerSize = 294
local MessageF = ToCloneF:Clone()
MessagesNum += 1
MessageF.LayoutOrder = MessagesNum
MessageF.Parent = MessageS
local SenderUserId = IncomingMessage.TextSource.UserId
MessageF.UsernameTL.Text = " ["..players:GetPlayerByUserId(SenderUserId).Name.."]: "
MessageF.UsernameTL.TextColor3 = GetColorByNumber(SenderUserId)
local NumOfMessage = 1
local StringS = IncomingMessage.Text:split(" ")
local TextBoundsX = MessageF.UsernameTL.TextBounds.X
MessageF.UsernameTL.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(TextBoundsX, 20)
local TextBoundsY = 0
for i, Word in pairs(StringS) do
local TextL = ToCloneMessage:Clone()
local Prefix = Word:split("")[1]
if Prefix == "!" then --This conditionat don't work yet, but don't say nothing I will fix it
TextL.FontFace.Bold = true
Word = Word:gsub("!", "")
elseif Prefix == "_" then
TextL.Font = Enum.Font.Code
Word = Word:gsub("_", "")
elseif Prefix == "*" then
TextL.FontFace.Style = Enum.FontStyle.Italic
Word = Word:gsub("*", "")
TextL.Text = Word.." "
TextL.Name = Word
TextL.Parent = MessageF
local Needed = TextL.TextBounds.X
TextL.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(Needed, 20)
if TextBoundsX +Needed > TotalContainerSize then
TextBoundsX = 0
TextBoundsY += 20
TextL.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(TextBoundsX, TextBoundsY)
TextBoundsX += Needed
SizeOfSrolling += TextBoundsY +25
MessageS.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0,SizeOfSrolling)
MessageF.Size =,-6,0, TextBoundsY+20)
table.insert(MessagesT, MessageF)
local MessageToDelete = MessagesT[1]
table.remove(MessagesT, 1)
if MessageToDelete ~= 0 then
SizeOfSrolling -= MessageToDelete.Size.Y.Offset
MessageS.CanvasSize = SizeOfSrolling
Typer.Text = ""
StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat, false)
First of all, SetChatWindowActive
and SetTopbarTransparency
is not a valid method of PlayerGui. As a matter of fact, there is no official documentation regarding the method.
You are being suspicious here. Your code contains comments in another language, and you used a method that doesnât exist. Are you using ChatGPT?
Are there any errors in the output regarding CoreGui?
You could also take a screenshot of your output so we can analyze it.
Did you enable Error messages to be displayed? You can check if it is enabled by going to the Output window and look for a dropdown like this:
Yes, tes, Is enabled (I have never disabled any type of logs)
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local TextChannels = TextChatService.TextChannels
local Channel = TextChannels:GetChannel("DefaultChannel")
local ChatGui = script.Parent -- ReferĂȘncia ao GUI do chat
local Typer = ChatGui.MainFrame.Typer -- ReferĂȘncia ao objeto de digitação de mensagem
local SendButton = Typer.Send -- BotĂŁo de envio de mensagem
local MessagesScrolling = ChatGui.MainFrame.MessagesScrolling -- Ărea de rolagem das mensagens
-- Função para enviar uma mensagem
local function SendMessage(message)
if message ~= "" then
TextChatService:SendMessageToChannel(Channel, message)
-- Função para exibir uma mensagem no chat
local function DisplayMessage(playerName, message)
local messageFrame = ChatGui.MessageTemplate:Clone()
messageFrame.Visible = true
messageFrame.NameLabel.Text = playerName
messageFrame.MessageLabel.Text = message
messageFrame.Parent = MessagesScrolling
-- Evento de mensagem recebida
local messages = Channel.Messages
local lastMessage = messages[#messages]
if lastMessage then
DisplayMessage(lastMessage.FromSpeaker, lastMessage.Message)
-- Evento de clique no botĂŁo de envio
local message = Typer.Text
Typer.Text = "" -- Limpa o campo de digitação após o envio da mensagem
-- Evento para rolar a ĂĄrea de mensagens
-- Atualize a posição das mensagens conforme a årea de rolagem é movida
MessagesScrolling.Position =, 0, 0, -MessagesScrolling.CanvasPosition.Y)
I made an example code here, the dialogue lines are in Portuguese (yes, Iâm Brazilian) but it wonât make it difficult to understand it.
Make sure you have a user interface (GUI) called âChatGuiâ that contains the necessary objects, such as âMainFrameâ for the main structure of the chat, âTyperâ for the message typing field, âSendâ for the button for sending and âMessagesScrollingâ for the message scrolling area.
It is also necessary to have a template object called âMessageTemplateâ inside the âMessagesScrollingâ to display incoming messages.
Yes, but how to disable the deatful Chat system box?
He is probably just sending code from ChatGPT. Donât trust it.
â Seriosly bro? Ok, ok. Iâll let it go, better not stress.
I mean, thereâs really not anything to ânot trustâ here, but the code is fairly irrelevant to OPâs problem since itâs just a half-written rewrite
To recap. You have SetCore and StarterGui, right? Attempts to set the ChatWindowPosition property to an off-screen position, making the box invisible.
What we could try is to add a âretryâ when SetCoreGuiEnabled
is called.
I wrote a function for it:
local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local maxRetries = 5
local function DisableChat()
local retries = 0
local success,message
success,message = pcall(function()
StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat, false)
if not success then
retries += 1
until success == true or retries == maxRetries
if not success then
Call the function when you want to disable the Chat.