I realized it is not relevant at all but maybe he is not using it and he just don’t understand well the english
Finally someone who understands my situation here.
Ok, let me try it (Im adding this parentesis to fill the needed characters)
Jerry-rigging at its finest
Same bro. As my English is not the best, I depend a lot on the translator, which is a pain for you to be able to understand me.
You should probably use google translate and not chatgpt to translate though. Chatgpt isn’t really good when it comes to translating.
It continues…
aybe other game codes are making this work bad, let me chek
In terms of translation, I’m trying to adapt. Thus, I understand what you write, few words I cannot interpret. Then the translator gives me a way of writing that changes when I look elsewhere, but I keep trying, you know?
F. You have SetCore and StarterGui, right? Attempts to set the ChatWindowPosition property to an off-screen position, making the box invisible. (I resend, sorry)
Não sei se você entendeu totalmente o que escrevi, mas o que estou dizendo é para usar o google translate e não o Chatgpt. This is your language I believe so I hope you can understand better.
Edit: I didn’t read this correctly I read that you didn’t understand what I wrote.
No, I used StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled()
Ahh, entendi. Não, sim. Eu ainda não entendo um pouco essa questão de tradução dos códigos, eu mantenho como ficou para mim. Ou seja, vamos dizer que na caixa de “damageType” eu coloquei uma anotação que “Ele leva dano de queda”, então eu acabo re-enviando, mas deixo passar muitas coisas. Comecei agora pouco, então eu estou fazendo um derivado enorme de códigos.
Any updates whether there are conflicting scripts?
tudo bem, todo mundo tem que começar em algum lugar para tudo que requer habilidade.
I cheked all and I never use in other place StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat)
so Is imposible it to be the problem. Idk what more to try… I will just continue triying stupid things to see it works (like try to disable the chat multiple times or stuff like that).
Ao traduzir o código, basta colocá-lo no Google Tradutor, pois é bastante confiável ao traduzir palavras do português para o inglês.
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local LPlayer = players.LocalPlayer
local UserInputS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local Gui = script.Parent
local MainF = Gui:WaitForChild("MainFrame")
local Typer = MainF:WaitForChild("Typer")
local SendB = Typer:WaitForChild("Send")
local MessageS = MainF:WaitForChild("MessagesScrolling")
local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
local MessagesNum = 0
local TextChatS = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local Channel:TextChannel = TextChatS:WaitForChild("TextChannels"):WaitForChild("RBXGeneral")
local TextS = game:GetService("TextService")
local ToCloneF = script:WaitForChild("TextFrame")
local ToCloneMessage = script:WaitForChild("Message1")
local SizeOfSrolling = 0
local MessagesT = {}
for i = 1, 50, 1 do
table.insert(MessagesT, 0)
function GetColorByNumber(Number)
local StringS = string.split(tostring(Number), "")
local R = StringS[#StringS-2]
local G = StringS[#StringS-1]
local B = StringS[#StringS]
local ToReturn = Color3.fromRGB(tonumber(R)*28.33, tonumber(G)*28.33, tonumber(B)*28.33)
return ToReturn
UserInputS.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, impedido)
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.C and not impedido then
if Enter then
local TotalContainerSize = 294
local MessageF = ToCloneF:Clone()
MessagesNum += 1
MessageF.LayoutOrder = MessagesNum
MessageF.Parent = MessageS
local SenderUserId = IncomingMessage.TextSource.UserId
MessageF.UsernameTL.Text = " ["..players:GetPlayerByUserId(SenderUserId).Name.."]: "
MessageF.UsernameTL.TextColor3 = GetColorByNumber(SenderUserId)
local NumOfMessage = 1
local StringS = IncomingMessage.Text:split(" ")
local TextBoundsX = MessageF.UsernameTL.TextBounds.X
MessageF.UsernameTL.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(TextBoundsX, 20)
local TextBoundsY = 0
for i, Word in pairs(StringS) do
local TextL = ToCloneMessage:Clone()
local Prefix = Word:split("")[1]
if Prefix == "!" then
TextL.FontFace = Font.new(Enum.Font.FredokaOne.Name, Enum.FontWeight.Bold)
Word = Word:gsub("!", "")
elseif Prefix == "_" then
TextL.Font = Enum.Font.Code
Word = Word:gsub("_", "")
elseif Prefix == "*" then
TextL.FontFace = Font.new(Enum.Font.FredokaOne.Name, Enum.FontWeight.Regular, Enum.FontStyle.Italic)
Word = Word:gsub("*", "")
TextL.Text = Word.." "
TextL.Name = Word
TextL.Parent = MessageF
local Needed = TextL.TextBounds.X
TextL.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(Needed, 20)
if TextBoundsX +Needed > TotalContainerSize then
TextBoundsX = 0
TextBoundsY += 20
TextL.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(TextBoundsX, TextBoundsY)
TextBoundsX += Needed
SizeOfSrolling += TextBoundsY +25
MessageS.CanvasSize = UDim2.fromOffset(0,SizeOfSrolling)
MessageF.Size = UDim2.new(1,-6,0, TextBoundsY+20)
table.insert(MessagesT, MessageF)
local MessageToDelete = MessagesT[1]
table.remove(MessagesT, 1)
if MessageToDelete ~= 0 then
SizeOfSrolling -= MessageToDelete.Size.Y.Offset
MessageS.CanvasSize = SizeOfSrolling
Typer.Text = ""
for i = 50, 1, -1 do
StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat, false)
Thanks @Quwanterz for the idea!
Do you know what was causing the issue?
I think that it is that the new chat needs time to inizializate and I disabled it before it inizializated. Anyways. Solution: Repeat it 50 times.
It is shaming that the solution were that easy but no, I won’t delete it.