Fixed Minor Bugs which allowed people to Rank themselves in the Roblox Group From Discord.
Users can no longer rank themselves with Discord commands in the Roblox Group.
Here is a tutorial on how to Host your Discord Roblox Bot on a VPS server and comes with the Bot resource so you won’t have to make your Bot from scratch. However, you will need to Create a Bot Application on the Discord Developer Portal and make sure when you create to Bot to enable all 3 Intents as shown below:
After, you created your Discord and Roblox Bots go to the Github and Follow the ReadMe Instructions on how to set it up and get your Bot online: Jetfeliks746/discord-roblox-bot (
Make sure you place the Lua script that is on Github in Roblox Studio in the ServerScriptService.
Video of instructions will come soon and will be posted on Github in the ReadMe file.
Contact me on Roblox my messaging AEW745 aka Epicwarrior with any questions or issues.
I am going to make an update to prevent people from ranking someone a higher rank than them in Discord. Currently, they only can’t rank themselves so I will add another check to check the person that they are ranking.
New Update! You can no longer rank people that are higher than yourself and you can’t kick people higher than yourself either. You also can’t kick or rank yourself.