How to I change an index into a string?

I need an index to correspond with a part with the name as a string but its an number but it keeps erroring

Could you show us your code so we can figure out your issue. But if I can understand it well, just cover the index in a tostring()

You can tostring on the index ?

Alright let me try that and see if that helps, ill get back to you with info

Alright let me try that too,

its not working for some reason

for index, something in (workspace:GetChildren()) do
	if tostringsomething == "1" then

you want tostring(something)

Alright so I just tryed yours with the parenthesis and it seemed to work thanks!

if tostring(something) == "1" then
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Anytime! If you have anymore issues don’t be afraid to make another post!

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Two solutions by the same person on one day your on fire, also thanks!

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Anytime! And haha, I’m just really active at helping others!

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