How to i fix my mesh being inverted and see through

I was making my Roblox character a mesh on blender but when i viewed it in material mode and rendered it was broken and see through, how do I fix this.

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Hit “a” in blender to select all vertices in edit mode, then mesh>normals>flip (pretty sure)

This is probably due to inverted Normals. There were at least two other posts about this within the last couple days btw… with different possible solutions.

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That actually isn’t due to inverted normals, it’s just a result of a recent change in the way Roblox exports obj files. Make sure the object is selected, go to the Materials tab, scroll down to the bottom under “Settings” and change the Blend Mode from “Alpha Blend” to “Opaque” as seen here -


Make sure you do the same for every material contained within the object (select each one and change the blend mode) -


Do you mean this is due to a recent change in a new Blender version (versus a change in how Roblox exports)? I’m not at home so I can’t check on this…

EDIT: My bad. The gyazo wasn’t working on the computer I was on yesterday.