How to I maximize my games performance for mobile users?

I am trying to improve my games performance for mobile users so people play my game longer since thanks to @AlexPalex178 and @EvilTony99 I now know to improve performance and make the objective and where to go in-game more clear I did a update to greatly improve on telling the player what to do and how to go where they need to go in-game but then @AlexPalex178 also said to improve the games performance because its so slow and laggy right now I published a update that allows players to turn of shadows on their client and I turned on performance settings on the fidetly on all the mesh parts in game I also put collishbox to “box” since that was a thing in most “How to improve performance in your roblox games” tutorial videos on Youtube but now I’m stuck is there anything else I can do to improve performance in game please tell! also I would love to hear additonal feedback on game if you have some!

Game Link: Baldi's basics hide and seek V2! [PLAYERMODE UPD!] - Roblox

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