Currently trying to make a system that identifies common differences between ui elements on the same axis(As shown in the video below by the pink rectangles )
Ive tried various solutions for about an hour, but I can’t seem to find a way to make one efficient as well as effective.
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I don’t get what you mean by " How to identify a common difference between ui elements on the same Axis" What do you want the common difference to be?
The common difference could be anything, for example if there are three elements that are all 30 studs apart from each other then it should return the difference, then how many objects are effected by that difference. For example, if we were to take the scenario:
3 objects are 30 studs apart from each other
5 objects 20 studs apart from each other
Im looking for a function to return:
[30] = 3,
[20] = 5
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