Hi all, I was wondering how I could implement static fields and methods inside of my party class. Just like in java, static fields are shared by all classes, and when is value is manipulated, it updates for every instance of a class. On the other hand, static methods can be invoked through the classes declaration, rather than through an instance of a class.
This would be really useful for my party class, as I would like a static variable of an array holding all ongoing parties in the server, shared by each instance of the class. This way each instance of the class can access and read from each element of the array, being able to check for conditions such as, Is a member of my party in another party ?
My party class looks like this:
function party.new(
map_name, map_spawn, home_spawn, ...)
local party_members
local self = {
party_id = math.random(0, 10000),
party_members={} or ...,
warn("A party has formed [ "..self.party_id.." ] [ "..self.map_name.." ]")
return setmetatable(self, proxy)
And for now, I have added a table holding all ongoing parties at the top of the script like this:
party_instances = { }
And I am adding instances of the class by using this statement in the constructor ()
party_instances["Party"..#party_instances+1] = self
- Is this a good approach ?
- Should I change this to something else ?
Sorry If I haven’t explained this very well, Its quite hard to explain.