Hello, I am Null. I am not the very greatest scripter but I want to know what’s the logic behind text/string suggestion? What I’m trying to say is go to google and search anything, when you type “face”, a lot of suggestion will suggest “Facebook” “Face Human”.
I want to implement the same system inside my game however, there’s a catch. Those suggestion for text will only exist when it existed on script. For example, I modified it myself that whenever the player types “What”, the suggestion will be “What will I be”, “What should I do” (which is inside the script for suggestion)
Why do I want that? Well, I wouldn’t random things to get in there. For example, If I make the suggestion random, there would be one opportunity where it will say “What tools to self harm” when saying “What” in textbox.
This is not a simple thing to implement, as it involves complex logic and if, as you said, you are not very proficient in programming, I suggest not going down that route. In the Google example, even something more complex is used, such as AI.
Honestly like @rogeriodec_games said, Google uses AI, machine learning, and an engine that was developed over the span of years by professional developers, programmers, coders, you name it.
So really if you are looking to do this, you’d be better off just making a list in the script and pulling items from the list based on what they type in.