How to import a plugin from your computer to roblox studio?

Im just gonna keep this topic simple.

How would you import a plugin from your computer to roblox studio and have it in the plugins bar?
The file format is (.rbxm)


although the question isnt exactly for THIS platform (roblox app), i would move this to #help-and-feedback:platform-usage-support


Just rename the file to .rblx instead of .rbxm, it’s that simple

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I thought i chose a different category sorry

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didnt work for me, any other suggestions

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Are you putting it into the plugins folder?

If not, should put it at the following location (at least on windows):


Well first off, change the format of the file to a .rbxmx, then in studio go to plugins → plugins folder (should be the second thing on the plugins list, if its not there it may be in a dropdown called plugin tools)

A folder should open that contains all local plugins, you would then put your plugin in there.
You may have to restart studio, Im not sure

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You can insert the Roblox model file in studio, then right click on the Instance in the explorer and there should be an option like “save as local plugin”.

All of them work, im gonna put FroDev’s anwser as the solution because theres more information

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