i am making a ferris wheel model that contain animation so it could spin, basically the animation in blender is only ran by empties and i have no idea how to import animations that are only animated by empties
like you see the animation tab has no keyframes because its only ran by empties, 2 empties specifically
but i have no idea how to import it to roblox studio… I tried searching in the web and all that i’ve got is videos of people importing animations I tried doing their method but then realised that their animations have bones and not empties please help!
you are right but wrong lol , i can do that but its going to look wrong i tried uploading a video showing why its wrong but there is an error while uploading it…
unless you have the right code and i am missing up
So you need to import the top of the Ferris wheel separately. And the bottom separately.
Next you would put a script inside the Top part of the model (The Wheel) and inside the script you would write
while true do wait() game.Workspace.Part.CFrame = game.Workspace.Part.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, 0.1) end
That’s all. Then it should be spinning infinitely and smoothly.
Oh this is optional but I suggest you do it if you want good collisions. It will allow people to go on it without having weird box collisions.
Go into the property of the bottom and top part of the ferris wheel (MAKE SURE THEY ARE MESHPARTS) and then change the CollisionFidelity to PreciseConvexDecomposition!
I know but there is no way i can fix that particular problem i know the script that rotated it before you put it in but i didnt know how to fix the chairs problem thats why i posted this “thread”